Friday, July 11, 2014

Today, we worked on the resolution of the story—those final, important moments that should leave the reader with some sort of impact. Leave the reader with something to think about, Tinti says. As I was working on the sentence by sentence prompts today, I couldn’t stop myself and kept going beyond each prompt, writing another sentence, and sometimes several more. Then, I would open the next prompt and discover that what I had kept going to write was the same thing we were being asked to write next in the next prompt. I guess it kind of reaffirmed my instincts as a writer, if that makes any sense.

I feel really good about where this story is ending right now, even though I’m already wondering if I need to pull back on the ending a bit, make it a little less dramatic. As of right now, I still don’t have a complete story because I haven’t finished with the climax section of the story. I also thought of some other things I want to go back and work into the beginning of the story. In its current form, the draft is about 2,000 words—roughly 6 pages. I think once I’ve added in all the other things I want to add, it’ll be at least a full 3,000 words or so. That would still be awfully short for a short story, but definitely long enough to go beyond flash fiction.

Tomorrow, we’re going to work on smoothing things out and cleaning them up—one day dedicated to revision. But I know the idea here will be to keep working on it, keep revising and re-revising and re-re-revising. My story is rough; it’ll still need a lot of work after tomorrow, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that I’m onto something here, that this story will have been worth my time. I’m so, so, SO glad I shelled out the $75 to take this class.

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